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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

City Tours

Folgende Teams werden im Herbst bzw Winter das Mühlviertel multimedial bereisen und ihre Eindrücke  in Bild und Ton festhalten
GREIN:  Rafaela, Vjollca, Elmedina
PERG1:  Ebru, Kübra, Christian
PERG2: Andreas, Vanessa, Peter
St. VALENTIN: Daniela, Stefa
RIED: Ahmet, Paul
SCHWERTBERG: Adem, Philipp

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

a guided tour of your area

1. Prepare a guided tour of your area

- find out places of interest/sights and take photos of these places
- find out about businesses / shops / facilities ad take photos of these places
- find out about VIPs in your community and present 2 of them
- make your presentation more interesting with an amusing anecdote, an interesting legend or a
  historical event

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Travelling to Ireland

In this posting choose a city in Ireland you would like to travel to and tell your readers what you would visit there (choose 3 sights). Also give some information about the accommodation you are booking.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year !

I wish all my students a happy and successful new year 2012. It won't be the end of the world, quite the contrary, it may well be another step on your career ladder. So try hard and think about how you can reach this year's goals. Think about a NEW YEAR's RESOLUTIONS such as
This year I will / I won't
This year I am going to / I am not going to...